- Over 20 years of experience in atmospheric research and applications in
universities and private companies
- Development of several numerical models of air pollution dispersion,
atmospheric boundary layer and mesoscale phenomena on different
computer platforms
- Case and intensive numerical studies of mesoscale and regional air
pollution transport including validation against field experiment
- Receptor-oriented dispersion modeling, footprints, and inverse problems
of atmospheric transport.
- Model evaluation and intercomparison. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.
- Coupled LES-particle modeling
- 12 years of teaching experience in air pollution and boundary layer
- Extensive cooperation with different research groups in Europe and
U.S.A. as a visiting scientist or consultant
Development of numerical models and modeling systems
- Mesoscale Dispersion Modeling System (MDMS) on a PC in
1980's; main components: 3D mesoscale meteorological
model (MESO), Lagrangian particle dispersion (LPD) model
and Eulerian grid dispersion (EGD) model.
- HYPACT (Hybrid Particle and Concentration Transport)
model (dispersion code designed to work with CSU RAMS).
- Receptor-oriented dispersion modeling approach using
adjoint diffusion equations and backward particle
- Computationally efficient version of Lagrangian particle
model for regional applications.
- Lagrangian particle model coupled with LES models.
Selected applications of numerical modeling
- Investigation of urban effects on the structure of
atmospheric boundary layer.
- Simulations of sea breeze circulations in a coastal
zone of the Baltic Sea.
- Regional modeling of air pollution transport in the
southwestern United States using CSU RAMS and LPD model
for the entire year of 1992 (project MOHAVE). Source- and
receptor-oriented dispersion modeling approach.
- Application of Lagrangian particle model for analysis
and visualization of output from different meteorological
modeling systems (local and mesoscale circulations, LES).
- Mesoscale modeling of transport and deposition of heavy
metals in the southern Poland.
- Coupled LES & Lagrangian particle modeling: dispersion
in cloud topped nocturnal boundary layer; footprints
calculations; Lagrangian statistics of turbulence.
- Assimilation of satellite information (NDVI), NEXRAD precipitation,
and soil moisture data in mesoscale modeling and forecasting.
Analysis of field experiments
- Validation of MESO and LPD models with the aid of
Øresund tracer experiment data.
- Design and analysis of meteorological and tracer
experiments for the Zarnowiec nuclear power plant under
construction in the northern Poland.
- Validation of regional transport simulations using a
tracer of opportunity (halocarbons) and controled tracers in
the southwestern United States.
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis
- Development, computer implementation and applications of
methods for sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of
mathematical models (adjoint techniques, Fourier Amplitude
Sensitivity Test, Walsh Amplitude Sensitivity Procedure).
- Development of the HYPACT model (*ASTER, Inc.)
- Several projects on applications of the Lagrangian particle
dispersion model and influence function approach (Desert Research
Institute, University of Athens, International Institute for Applied
System Analysis, Warsaw University of Technology, NIWA)
- Climatology of lightning data (FMA Research, Inc.)
- Lectures on general meteorology, boundary layer meteorology
and air pollution modeling at the Warsaw University of Technology
- Invited lecturer at summer schools and international courses
- Reviews of papers prepared for J. Applied Meteorology, J.
Atmospheric Science, Monthly Weather Review, Atmospheric
Environment, Earth Science Reviews, Meteorology and Atmospheric
Employment history
Author or senior co-author of over 20 scientific papers in
reviewed journals, 3 chapters in books, and numerous papers in conference
proceedings ( see selected publications ).
Cooperative ventures
Visiting Scientist
Invited lectures and presentations
- USSR Academy of Science
- Uppsala University (Sweden)
- Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
- National Agency of Environ. Protection (Denmark)
- Bulgarian Academy of Science
- Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
- Universite Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
- Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
- Risø National Laboratory (Denmark)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
- College on Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Air Pollution Modeling, Trieste
- ISPRA (Italy)
- University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)